docomap Vehicle
Link with Mitsubushi Fuso Telematic Service
Usage details
Real-time location information

With DoCoMAP, you can display and manage the position of vehicles on Google Maps. It is also possible to directly use Google Maps functions such as traffic information and street view.

Vehicle route tracking

You can easily check the route history of vehicles by simply clicking the vehicle icon. Apart from being able to check the speed of vehicles on the graph, it’s also possible to confirm continuous driving time and therefore manage the required break time of drivers.

13 months of vehicle tracking data

While displaying the trajectory of a vehicle on the map, you can also show a graph linked with speed and time when viewing past routes of a vehicle, which can be easily accessed from the calendar.

Supports docomap PLUS

docomap PLUS is an application for smartphones that enables real-time recording and management of vehicle operations which is linked to vehicle location information in the cloud through DoCoMAP.

docomap JAPAN ・ Customer Support
Business hours 9:00 ~ 18:00 (Except weekends and holidays)